Will we win the Game of Life – or the Game of Death?

Will We Win the Game of Life or the Game of Death?

China and America are playing their unique Game of Life and Game of Death. Both of us yearn for jobs, education, and money, but China’s historical one-child policy left them with fewer women than men and distorted the balance of power in male-female relationships. Pampered women and single-child Little Emperors or Princelings distort parent-child relationships. Long hours at work and limited retirement benefits give America a game advantage. We have bigger families and creative jobs. A Chinese citizen lives to move their bloodline forward, while in America, too many people believe that he who dies with the most toys wins. Hard to see how either society is winning the Game of Life or Death. Both of us need to redefine the rules of the game. This is the conclusion reached by the hero and heroine in Fatal Move.